There is no shortage of books and video tapes available to help you. A sampling of these resources (some serial numbers may have changed since the last revision) includes :

123 Gift Crafts Kids Can Make (Highlights Magazine)
40 Knots - Knot Tying Visual Aid P1057
A Scout Is Reverant (A prayer manual for Catholic Scouts) P3075
All the Applauses We Could Find
Basic Essentials of Map & Compass P3560
Be Expert with Map & Compass P3559
Beginner's Compass Game P1132
Boys Life Magazine
Boy Scouts of America 1998 Retail Catalogue
Camp Cookery for Small Groups P3592
Child Abuse: Let's Talk About It (Warning signs, BSA Policy) P3943
Craftstrip Braiding Projects P3169
Creative Campfires P4661
Cub Scout Academic Program Phamplets

Art 33031
Communicating 33033
Music 33034
Science 33030
Cub Scout Action Book - Bobcat
Cub Scout Action Book - Wolf
Cub Scout Action Book - Bear
Cub Scout Fun Book P33213
Cub Scout Leader Book P3220A
Cub Scout Leader BoCub Scout Leader How-To BookP3831A
Cub Scout Magic P3219
Cub Scout Program Books

Wolf P3234
Bear P3228
Cub Scout Songbook P3222A
Cub Scout Sports Program Phamplets

Archery P2153
Badminton P2106
Baseball P2156
Basketball P2155
Bicycling P2107
Bowling P2154
Fishing P2111
Golf P2157
Gymnastics P2110
Marbles P2158
Physical Fitness P2161
Skating P2108
Skiing P2159
Soccer P2162
Softball P2160
Swimming P2163
Table Tennis P2164
Tennis P2166
Ultima P2109
Volleyball P2165
Cub Scout & Webelos Scout Program Helps P3211A
Den Chief Handbook P3211A
Directory of Local Council Camps and Outdoor Facilities (Northeast Region, ) Regional
Drugs: A Deadly Game (Early Warning Signs of Drug Abuse) P3945
Dutch Oven Cooking (Recipes) P3549
Edible Wild Plants P3548
Ethics in Action for Cub Scouts P3015
Going Places With Children (Green Acres School)
Gospel of the Redman P3574A
Golden Guide Books: On the following subjects:

Birds P3569
Butterflies & Moths P3515
Dinosaurs P33535
Fishes P3543
Fishing P3516
Flowers P3517
Fossils P3523
Geology P3518
Insects P3544
Mammals P3542
North American Indian Arts P33540
Planets P33543
Pond Life P3519
Reptiles & Amphibians P3524
Rocks & Minerals P3545
Seashells of the World P33537
Seashores P3526
Sky Observer's Guide P3525
Spiders & Their Kin P3521
Stars P2527
Trees P3541
Tropical Fish P33536
Venomous Animals P33538
Weather P3528
Weeds P3522
Whales P33539
Group Meeting Sparklers P3122A
Guide to Field Identification: Birds of North America P3583
Guide to Field Identification: Trees of North America P3608
Guide to Safe Scouting
History of Cub Scouting P3849
Knots and How to Tie Them P3170
Luminous Star Finder P1055
One Day Trips Through History (Local Interest) by John Ockershauson Smith)
Pack Record (Finance) Book P3819
Parktakes Magazine (Fairfax County Recreation Dept. Local
Pathways to Worship (A guide to devotions for campfire vespers)P3584
Religious Emblem Literature

Aleph (Student Packet) P3086A
Maccabee (Tiger Student Packet) P7165
God and Family (Student Packet P3597A
God and Me (Student Packet)) P3603S
Parvuli Dei (Student Packet) P3184A
Parvuli Dei (Student Packet, Spanish) P3086A
Scouter's Digest (National Capital Area Council's Monthly Newspaper)
Scouting and the Learning Disabled: A Manual for Scouting Leaders
Scouting Book of Knots P4081
Scouting for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Scouting for the Mentally Retarded
Scouting Magazine Comes with annual registrations
Sharing the Joy of Nature P3531
Sharing Nature with Children P3530
Sign's Up (Collection of Short Thoughts for Scouter's Minutes) P4080
Skyguide: A Field Guide to the Heavens P3520
Staging Den and Pack Ceremonies P3212
Tenure Tips for Cub Scouts and Leaders
The News (George Washington District's Newsletter)
The Walker Washington Guide (by John and Katheline Walker)
The Washington One-Day Trip Book
The Washington Post Guide to Washington
Tiger Cubs BSA, Family Activity BookP3930A
Trail & Campfire Stories P3529


Bobcat/Wolf P12615
Bear P12616
Webelos P12617
Washington ,D.C.: A Young Person's Guide to the City by Anne Pederson P3853A
Webelos Den Activities
When Scouts Worship P3188
Your Flag

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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