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Baloo's Bugle

June 2006 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 12, Issue 11
July 2006 Theme

Theme: Red, White and Baloo
Webelos: Aquanaut & Geologist
Tiger Cub


Flag Tag
Baltimore Area Council

  • Give each player two “flags” – 1 x 16-inch strips of leather or vinyl cloth.
  • Players loop their flags over their belts along the trouser seams, with only one inch behind the belt.
  • On signal, each player tries to grab the others’ flags while protecting his own.
  • Winner is the last player in possession of at least one of his own flags and the one who captured the most flags.

Steal the Flag
Baltimore Area Council

  • Divide into two teams.
  • The two teams line up about 20 feet apart facing toward the center and number off beginning at opposite ends;
  • One person stands in the center of the playing field with his arms outstretched and loosely holding, in each hand, a corner of a flag. (use piece of old fabric for the flag).
  • The leader calls out a number and the person from each team, who is that number, runs to the center and circles the person holding the flag.
  • At any time, they try to grab the flag and run back to their spot in the line without getting tagged.
  • If they are tagged before they get back, they must trade places with the person in the middle. Keep score by counting the number of times each team gets the flag safely back to their side.

United States
Baltimore Area Council

Have boys make a list of as many states as they can remember. After 5 or 10 minutes, the one with the longest list wins.

Yankee Doodle Handicap
Baltimore Area Council

Line up the Dens in relay formation. Each boy runs up to a judge, eats a cookie provided by the judge, sings one verse of “Yankee Doodle,” and then races back to touch off the next boy. The first team to finish wins. The losing Dens must serenade the winners with “Yankee Doodle.”

Famous People
Baltimore Area Council

The players are seated in a circle. The leader names a famous person. The next player must name another famous person starting with the last letter of the first famous person’s name (time must be allowed for determining the. last letter). For example, the first person names ‘Washington’. The next names ‘Noah’ and third, ‘Hank Aaron.’ If a player cannot name a famous person before the count of ten, he must pay a forfeit.

Independence Tag
Baltimore Area Council

As in all tag games, ‘it,’ pursues the rest of the players and tries to touch one of them. When one has been touched, he must keep his hand on the spot where he was tagged and pursue the others. His hand cannot be freed from this spot until he has tagged someone else. The idea is to tag people in inconvenient places, on the ankle, knee, etc.

American Heritage
Baltimore Area Council

  • Make posters of well-known buildings or symbols and put them up around the room,
  • Number each poster.
  • Give each person a piece of paper that is also numbered.
  • Ask them to identify the posters and write the proper name by its corresponding number on the sheet of paper.
  • Suggestions are: American flag, ‘White House, Lincoln Memorial, Eagle, Presidential seal, Uncle Sam, Statue of Liberty, etc.

Good Morning, Mr. Jones:
Sam Houston Area Council

Equipment: 1 blindfold; 1 pointer

Formation: Circle

  • Have the Cubs move around in a circle in the center of which 'Mr. Brown' stands blindfolded. 
  • When Mr. Brown raps on the floor with his stick, all players stand still. 
  • He then points his stick in any direction saying 'Good morning, Mr. Jones'. 
  • The nearest one to the line of the pointer replies in his natural voice, 'Good morning, Mr. Brown'. 
  • If Mr. Brown identifies Mr. Jones, they change places; 
  • If not, the players move around as before. 
  • If Mr. Brown fails 3 times, nominate a new Mr. Brown.

Patriotic Colors:
Sam Houston Area Council

Equipment: None

Formation: Circle

  • The leader sits in the middle of the circle, points to a player and calls 'red'.
  • The player has to name an object that is red (e.g. tomato, fire engine) before the leader can count to 10 out loud.
  • The same object cannot be repeated later in the game.
  • If a player fails to think of an object before the leader has counted to ten, the two switch places.
  • Use the patriotic colors 'red', 'white' and 'blue'.

Scrambled Shoes
Alapaha Area Council

Each boy removes one shoe and places it in a pile at one end of the room.  Assemble the starting line at an opposite point.  The Cub Scouts hop or jump on one foot (with the shoe) to the pile, find their own shoe, put it on, and race back.

Toe-Pickup Relay
Alapaha Area Council

Form two relay teams, and have players remove their shoes and socks.  The first boy runs to a line 15 feet away.  He grasps a marble with the toes of each foot, and then returns with them to tag the next boy.

Hare Hop:
Sam Houston Area Council

Equipment: Per team: 1 pair of rabbit ears (made from cardboard, cotton and wire attached to a hat); 1 small balloon and 1 large balloon for each member; lots of string;  1 chair for each team.

  • Divide the group into teams of six.
  • Line up each team in straight lines at one end of the playing area.
  • Place the chairs, one for each team, at the opposite end of the playing area.
  • On 'Go', the first player of each team dons the rabbit ears, while his teammates blow up one small and one large balloon.
  • One long piece of string is tied to the small balloon.
  • The first player then ties the string around his waist, with the balloon hanging from behind, to represent his tail.

He hugs the large balloon to his tummy, to represent the fluffy underside of a bunny.

  • Then, with his ears and his two balloons, he hops down to the chair, hugs the large balloon until it breaks, and sits on his 'tail' until the small balloon breaks.
  • When both balloons have burst, he hops back to the team where he gives the ears to the second player.
  • The fun is helping each rabbit get 'dressed' and in cheering each bunny on. The relay ends when all bunnies have lost their tummies and tails.

Great Salt Lake Council

Equipment: Balloons, small strips of paper with questions, small strips of paper with instructions, 2 large garbage bags

To Play: Blow up balloons after placing questions inside. Place blown up balloons in one bag. Do the same with instructions balloons. One player at a time takes a balloon out of the question bag, pops the balloon and answers the question. If they answer correctly, they stay in the game for another round. If they answer incorrectly, they pull a balloon out of bag “B,” pop it and have to do what it says. Example: Strut and cluck like a chicken three times -or- Why do you like Cub Scouts? If they complete their task or answer the question, they can return to the game. If not, they can cheer on the remaining players. When all the questions have been answered, the game is over.

Variation: Use red, white and blue balloons and on the strips of paper write Cub Scout related questions (What is the Cub Scout Motto, What is our Pack number, What den are you in, What is the Law of the Pack, etc.). Place the balloons on the floor instead of in the bags. The players stomp on the balloons to pop them and must answer the question. As soon as a balloon is popped, all players must stop and listen to the question and answer. Remind them to “Leave No Trace” and pick up all of the balloon pieces.

Great Salt Lake Council

Equipment: Red, white and blue crepe paper streamers

To Play: Divide the players into three teams each assigned one color.  Players tie a long streamer around their waist so that they have a tail approximately 2 feet long hanging behind them.  The object is to rip off the opposing team’s tails.  Once a players tail is ripped off, he must go to the sidelines or a designated “home” area for his team.  He may not try to remove any more tails that round.  The last team with at least one tail intact is the winner.  At the end of the game, remind the players to “Leave No Trace” and pick up all of the tailpieces.

Great Salt Lake Council

Equipment: Large sheet of paper for each team (butcher paper works well), markers

To Play: Hang the paper on the wall. Write a short phrase in large letters across the top of each paper (both teams use the same phrase).  Divide the group into teams.  Line the players up across the room from the paper. On a signal, the players take turns running to the paper and writing a word using only the letters in the phrase at the top, then running back to his team and handing off the marker to the next in line. Each word may be used only once, so if one team copies the other, the words that are the same must be crossed out and receive no points. Go until each player has had a turn, or for smaller teams, set a time limit. Each correct, unique word earns a point. The team with the most points wins.

Cub Scout Salute Relay
Alapaha Area Council

Divide players into even teams, lined up at a starting line.  Opposite each team is a leader.  On signal, the first scout runs up to their adult and gives the Cub Scout salute.  When it’s done correctly, the adult tells the scout to “Go!”; he then runs back to tag the next one in line.  The first team done with everyone saluting correctly is the winner.  Variation:  Have the adults turn their backs on the boys to make them run around face-to-face. 

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Materials found at the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Website ©1997-2006 may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA and does not speak on behalf of BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors.