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Ember Patches

The original six Firecrafter Embers were Chank-tun-un-gi, Mascotea, Buro-ja, Rock River, SettingSun, and Mashe-ho ( that is pronounced Maw SHAY- Hoe). Below you will find digital images of flap patches from three of the original six. The Chank-tun-un-gi, Rock River, and Setting Sun Ember Patches were presented by brother Firecrafters to me or my family as I departed Ransburg Scout Reservation following my ritual. They knew that I scarecly made it through the ritual due severe illness and that I had to leave the camp staff to go home to Lafayette, Indiana (in Harrison Trails Council which did not have Firecrafter). Despite the fact that each member could only have a single Ember patch, they gave their own patches to let me know that I was a brother and would be welcome in their Embers, those three being the closest embers to where I lived. These patches bear testiment to the strong ties of brotherhood formed among Firecrafters as youth.


Chanktunungi Ember Patch 1970

This 1970 flap shaped patch was worn circa 1970 and earlier by members of the Chank-Tun-Un-Gi Ember of the Central Indiana Council Fire. The wearing of flap patches was discontinued in 1971/72. Click on the image to see a larger image of this patch.


Monjeniktah Ember

This recent patch is the current method of displaying Ember membership. It is designed as a temporary patch to be worn on the right shirt pocket. This three inch patch is currently being sold by the Monjeniktah Ember, which is located in the Golden Eagle District. Notice the Redwing behind the teepee, which is appropriate since the Ember performs much work on Camp Redwing and holds their Ember meetings there.


Rock River Ember Patch 1970

This 1970 flap shaped patch was worn circa 1970 and earlier by members of the Rock River Ember of the Central Indiana Council Fire. The wearing of flap patches was discontinued in 1971/72. Click on the image to see a larger image of this patch.


Setting Sun Ember Patch 1970

This 1970 flap shaped patch was worn circa 1970 and earlier by members of the Setting Sun Ember of the Central Indiana Council Fire. The wearing of flap patches was discontinued in 1971/72. Click on the image to see a larger image of this patch.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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